
Our expert pharmacy team will come to your community to perform flu, covid and any other vaccination that a resident might be eligible for. Below is a step-by-step summary of how our pharmacist will perform vaccinations :

  1. Preparation: The pharmacist would bring along all necessary materials, including vaccines, syringes, alcohol swabs, gloves, and documentation forms. They would also review the patient’s medical history to ensure eligibility for the vaccine.
  2. Introduction: The pharmacist would greet the resident and explain the purpose of the visit. They would go over the vaccination options available, explaining any potential side effects or precautions.
  1. Assessment: Before administering the vaccine, the pharmacist might check the resident’s health status, including confirming they are not experiencing any illness or contraindications for the vaccine.
  2. Vaccination: The pharmacist would administer the vaccine, typically in the upper arm (deltoid muscle), following the proper procedure for safe injection.
  3. Post-Vaccination Care: After the vaccination, the pharmacist would observe the resident for a few minutes to monitor for any immediate reactions. They would provide aftercare instructions and explain symptoms to watch for, such as swelling or fever.
  4. Documentation: The pharmacist or nurse would complete any necessary paperwork and update the resident’s health records with the details of the vaccination.

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